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J Alan Erwine lives just outside of Denver with his amazing wife and their youngest daughter. Yes, J is now old enough to have two adult daughters. J's family shares their household with two cats, and a turtle that pretty much keeps to himself.

J has published more than 60 short stories, four novels, and numerous short story collections. A few years ago, J realized that although he loved the small press, he couldn't make enough money writing for them, so at that point, he took control of most of his work, and has been publishing mostly independently ever since.

J is the managing editor at Nomadic Delirium Press, and in addition to writing and editing, J has also taken an interest in creating role playing games. He is the co-creator of the Ephemeris Science Fiction RPG, and the creator of the Rocks on the Other Side and Battle for Turtle Island RPGs.

Do You Really Want To Be a Writer?
Do you really want to be a writer? It's a serious question that anyone thinking about entering the field of writing should ask.
In this collection of essays, prize-winning science fiction author and editor J Alan Erwine uses his usual wit and sarcasm to educate and entertain potential writers as they start their journeys.
You won't find essays about plot or character development here, but instead, you'll find 17 essays that talk about the business of writing. Erwine uses his more than a quarter of a century of experience to talk about the submission process, and more importantly, what to do with your writing and career after you've started selling.
Do You Really Want To Be a Writer? is a great source of information for the new writer as well as the experienced writer.

If you want to contact me, you can reach me at jerwine at jalanerwine.com. Sorry, no hyperlinks, trying to cut down on the annoying spam.